Cute and Cuddly Mutant Zombie Squirrel of DOOM

There’s a sort of unofficial mascot on the indigodragonfly forum called the Cute and Cuddly Mutant Zombie Squirrel of Doom (CCMZSOD). The concept was the result of a sort of mind-meld between Maget and indigodragonfly. Apparently they were planning on naming a new colorway “Zombie Squirrel” or something similar and then Maget mentioned something about… Continue reading Cute and Cuddly Mutant Zombie Squirrel of DOOM

Monster BFFs

A while ago I was working on a monster. Then I started to see the light at the end of a tunnel with Ducky and just worked on that until I finished. Well, I picked up the monster again and gave it some horns! Then I gave it a tail so it could sit up… Continue reading Monster BFFs

WIP-Cracking Wednesday: Zooming, Bombing, and Sculpting

WARNING: This post contains a ridiculous number of pictures. Part 1: Zooming The photo prompt today was “extreme close up,” which is what I frequently seem to do anyway. This time I decided to see just how close I could get. Staging and lighting: While I was out and about I decided to zoom in… Continue reading WIP-Cracking Wednesday: Zooming, Bombing, and Sculpting

WIP-Cracking Wednesday: Ducky Progress Report

You know, when I posted this morning I forgot that the sun rising means that it’s tomorrow. Or today. Whatever, the point is, it hadn’t hit me yet that today is in fact WEDNESDAY and not still Tuesday. Let’s have a Ducky progress report! When we left off, I was coloring Ducky’s spine. I stopped… Continue reading WIP-Cracking Wednesday: Ducky Progress Report

WIP-Cracking Wednesday: Against All Odds

This has been one of those weeks. It seems like the universe has just been conspiring against me and throwing all kinds of drama my way in an attempt to disrupt my workflow – family drama, tech drama, hell, even the electricity has been giving me attitude. Despite all of that, somehow progress has been made.… Continue reading WIP-Cracking Wednesday: Against All Odds


The Kodama is finished! It was a pretty simple project, but it’s packed full of personality. Let’s review how it came together… This is what I was aiming for: How close did I get? I took most of the finished photos in its “natural habitat.” It rattles too!